Los Angeles, December 27: The highly anticipated sequel to The Batman, directed by Matt Reeves, will no longer be released in 2026 as initially expected. According to Deadline, the film’s release has been rescheduled to October 1, 2027, moving from its original October 2, 2026 date.
The delay is attributed to the film’s extensive post-production process, as the sequel is expected to be heavy on visual effects. Production is set to begin in late summer, and despite the delay, a fall 2026 release was deemed unlikely.
Robert Pattinson will reprise his role as the iconic superhero in The Batman Part II. The sequel was first announced at CinemaCon in April 2022, and in August 2022, Mattson Tomlin joined the team to co-write the script with Reeves. In January 2023, DC Studios executives James Gunn and Peter Safran officially revealed the film’s title.
The sequel also features a star-studded cast, including Sandra Hüller, John Goodman, Michael Stuhlbarg, Jesse Plemons, Sophie Wilde, and Riz Ahmed.