Delhi Police have detained two minors on Sunday in connection with the murder of 36-year-old Manoj in the Narayana area, officials said. Notably, one of the minors is also allegedly linked to the murder of Manoj’s younger brother, Pramod, which occurred a few months ago.
Manoj’s family staged a protest in the Narayana area on Sunday evening, blocking roads and demanding strict action against the accused.
Providing details of the incident, DCP West Vichitra Veer stated, “The deceased, Manoj, was about 36 years old. He was stabbed to death in a park in the Narayana police station area on Saturday evening. Two minors have been detained in this case, and their interrogation is ongoing. Manoj’s younger brother, Pramod, was also murdered a few months ago. The 15-year-old minor detained for Manoj’s murder was also involved in Pramod’s murder. Efforts are being made to determine the motive behind the murder.”
Manoj’s sister-in-law, who is also Pramod’s widow, alleged a connection between the two murders. She explained, “Yesterday, I found out that my brother-in-law, Manoj, has been stabbed to death. A few months ago, my husband, Pramod, was also murdered, and my brother-in-law Manoj was a witness in that case. Some time ago, my husband saw a girl from our area with a boy. He informed the girl’s parents about it. The boy got very angry and, along with his friend, killed Pramod. Manoj was fighting the case in court. The same boy has now killed Manoj as well.”
The police are continuing their investigation into the case, and further details are awaited.