Amritsar (Punjab), December 31: Actor Sonu Sood recently visited the Golden Temple in Amritsar, Punjab, to seek blessings ahead of the release of his much-awaited directorial debut, Fateh. The actor shared a heartfelt video of his visit to the iconic shrine on social media, captioning it, “Waheguru ji da Khalsa, Waheguru ji di Fateh.”
In the video, Sonu Sood is seen praying at the temple, engaging with fans, and taking pictures with them. His visit comes as excitement builds for the release of Fateh, which is set to hit theaters on January 10, 2025.
Directed by Sood himself, Fateh is an action-packed thriller focused on the fight against cybercrime, inspired by real-life events during the COVID-19 pandemic. Reflecting on his directorial journey, Sonu Sood shared, “Stepping into the director’s chair for the first time with Fateh has been a journey of passion and purpose. This action saga highlights the unseen battles fought in the digital world.”
He expressed his excitement over the film’s teaser release, saying, “It’s a glimpse into a world we’ve poured our hearts into creating, and I can’t wait for viewers to experience the adrenaline, emotions, and power of Fateh.” Sood also described the film as an “ode to every hero who dares to fight back against impossible odds” and hoped it would inspire and electrify audiences.
Alongside Sood, the film stars Jacqueline Fernandez, Vijay Raaz, and Naseeruddin Shah, promising high-octane action and a captivating storyline. The movie also features international professionals, including a Hollywood director of photography, research teams, and action choreographers, aimed at enhancing its global appeal.
Produced by Shakti Sagar Productions and Zee Studios, Fateh tackles the critical issue of cybercrime and its widespread impact on society.
Before visiting the Golden Temple, Sonu Sood also paid his respects at the Mahakaleshwar Temple in Ujjain, where he prayed for the success of Fateh. Reflecting on his spiritual journey, Sood said, “When I started making Fateh, it began with a darshan of Baba Mahakal. Now, as the film prepares for release, I pray that with his blessings, our film becomes successful.”