Lakhs of devotees gathered at the Nagore Dargah in Nagapattinam, Tamil Nadu, to celebrate the grand Kanduri Festival on Monday night. The festival, which started with a grand flag hoisting on Sunday, saw thousands of people from various religions participate in the vibrant ceremony, offering prayers to Nagore Andavar.
Devotees from across Tamil Nadu and other states, as well as abroad, traveled to Nagore to partake in the festivities, which included grand displays of lighting, parades, and elaborate tableaus on the streets. Hundreds of people were seen flocking to the dargah well into the night to witness the spiritual celebrations.
The 14-day Kanduri Festival, also known as the Nagore Dargah Festival, is held annually from the first to the fourteenth day of Saint Shahul Hamid’s death anniversary, observed during the Islamic month of Jamathul Aagir.
Saint Hazrath Syed Shahul Hamid, a revered 13th-generation descendant of Saint Sufi, is known for his remarkable act of curing the physical illness of Achuthappa Nayak, a 16th-century Hindu king of Thanjavur. This act of healing has led to significant participation from Hindu devotees during the festival.
The festival began with the hoisting of a sacred flag, which was carried by chariots to the Nagore Dargah. From the second to the seventh day, prayers and Quran recitations take place at the Dargah, where devotees gather to witness the “Light of Allah” displayed within the sacred space.
Festival Highlights
One of the major highlights of the Kanduri Festival is the spectacular fireworks display on the eighth day. These fireworks not only add to the festive atmosphere but also symbolize the triumph of truth over falsehood.
On the ninth day, the Fakirs visit the Peer Mandapam, the meditation site of Hazarath Mohsin. Devotees also begin a holy fast on this day, which lasts for three days.
The tenth day of the festival features a parade-like chariot ride carrying sandalwood paste, which is used to anoint the Rawla Shariff and the tomb of the Great Saint.
On the eleventh day, the fast is concluded, and the recitation of the Al Quran continues throughout the 14 days, bestowing blessings upon the Great Soul.
According to Syed Mohamed Khalifa Sahib, President of the Nagore Dargah Committee, the festival concludes with the lowering of the flag on December 15th, after prayers.
The flags and lights are taken down, but the spiritual light of the Nagore Dargah remains, symbolizing the ongoing spiritual significance of the Kanduri Festival.