Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday inaugurated the LIC Bima Sakhi Yojana, an initiative by the Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) aimed at empowering women through financial awareness and employment opportunities. The program, unveiled in Panipat, focuses on training women to become insurance agents while promoting financial literacy.
Key Features of LIC Bima Sakhi Yojana:
- Eligibility: Women aged 18-70 years who have passed Class X can participate.
- Specialized Training: Participants will undergo comprehensive training and receive a stipend for three years to help them transition into their new roles.
- Career Opportunities:
- Trained participants will work as LIC agents.
- Exceptional performers can qualify for Development Officer roles within LIC.
- Objective: Promote financial literacy among women and enhance their employability in the insurance sector.
PM’s Remarks on Women Empowerment:
Prime Minister Modi highlighted the initiative’s potential to further the goal of ‘Insurance for All’ and to enhance women’s participation in the economic landscape.
“I congratulate all the sisters of the country. From Panipat, where the ‘Beti Bachao-Beti Padhao’ campaign began, we are now launching the Bima Sakhi Yojana, a program that symbolizes women’s empowerment,” he said.
The initiative aligns with the PM Jan Dhan Yojana, ensuring financial inclusivity for women by providing direct access to financial services through their bank accounts.
IRDAI’s Commitment to Insurance Saturation:
The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) aims to achieve complete insurance saturation across India by 2047, aligning with the government’s broader financial inclusion goals.
Additional Development Projects:
During the event, PM Modi also laid the foundation stone for the Main Campus of Maharana Pratap Horticultural University in Karnal.
- Campus Details:
- Spread over 495 acres at a cost of ₹700 crore.
- Includes one college for graduate and postgraduate studies and five schools covering 10 horticultural disciplines.
- Objective: Focus on crop diversification and world-class research to enhance horticulture practices and technologies.
This dual initiative of empowering women and advancing agricultural research underscores the government’s commitment to inclusive growth and development.