Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], January 17: The Mumbai Police on Friday confirmed that no individual had been detained in connection with the assault on actor Saif Ali Khan. While initial reports suggested that one person was brought to the Bandra Police Station for questioning, the police clarified that the individual is not linked to the incident involving the actor.
Maharashtra’s Junior Minister for Home (Urban), Yogesh Kadam, also addressed the situation, stating that there was no gang involvement in the case. “This was a theft attempt, and no gang was involved,” he asserted. Kadam further clarified that Saif Ali Khan had not requested additional security, and that the incident arose when the suspect, attempting a break-in, clashed with the actor, leading to Saif’s injuries.
Regarding the actor’s health, Dr. Nitin Dange from Lilavati Hospital confirmed that Saif Ali Khan is recovering well and has been moved out of the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). “He is doing extremely well and is safe. We’ve advised him to rest to prevent any infections from his back injuries,” Dr. Dange said. The medical team also assured that there were no signs of paralysis following the incident.
Dr. Niraj Uttamani, who attended to Saif Ali Khan immediately after the assault, described the actor’s courage, recalling, “He walked in with his young child despite the blood loss. He’s a real hero. His condition has improved, and he is now resting in a special room.”
In a further update, Mumbai Police confirmed they have retrieved part of the blade used in the attack, while efforts continue to locate the remaining piece. The suspect, last seen near Bandra railway station, is believed to have boarded a local train early in the morning, heading towards the Vasai Virar region. Police teams are currently conducting searches in the Vasai, Nalasopara, and Virar areas in an effort to apprehend the assailant.