Police have arrested Suresh Chandrakar, the main suspect in the murder of journalist Mukesh Chandrakar, who had been on the run since the crime. The Special Investigation Team (SIT) apprehended the accused in Hyderabad on Sunday night, according to Bastar Police. Authorities are currently questioning him.
Background on the Case
Mukesh Chandrakar, a journalist known for his coverage of Naxalism and corruption in Bastar, was found murdered on January 5. His body was discovered in a septic tank on the property of private contractor Suresh Chandrakar in Bijapur.
The crime has already led to the arrests of three individuals: Ritesh Chandrakar, Dinesh Chandrakar, and Mahendra, who are believed to have been involved in the murder.
Investigative Efforts
An 11-member SIT was formed to investigate the case and capture Suresh Chandrakar. The team worked swiftly, tracking the suspect to Hyderabad, where he was detained.
Chhattisgarh Deputy Chief Minister Vijay Sharma emphasized that Mukesh Chandrakar had been a vocal advocate for peace in Bastar and was critical of corruption.
- “Mukesh Chandrakar was covering efforts to establish peace and combat Naxalism in Bastar,” Sharma said.
- The DyCM also alleged a conspiracy involving Congress leader Suresh Chandrakar, which is currently under investigation.
Impact of Mukesh Chandrakar’s Work
Mukesh Chandrakar was a prominent journalist in Bastar, known for his investigative reporting on Naxalism, encounters, and systemic corruption. He played a pivotal role in the release of a CRPF constable abducted by Naxals in 2021.
His recent work included exposing alleged corruption in road construction projects, which might have made him a target.
Government and Public Reactions
The tragic murder has sparked widespread outrage, with calls for justice for Chandrakar and protection for journalists working in conflict zones like Bastar.
Authorities have assured swift action, with Deputy Chief Minister Sharma pledging that the culprits will face stringent punishment. Meanwhile, the SIT is continuing its investigation to uncover the full scope of the conspiracy behind the murder.