Bollywood star Kareena Kapoor Khan is undeniably a proud and supportive mother to her sons, Taimur and Jeh, and she always finds ways to celebrate their milestones. Recently, she shared some heartwarming pictures of Taimur from their family vacation in Switzerland. In the photos, Taimur is seen dressed in skiwear, looking adorable as he enjoys the holiday. Kareena, brimming with love, captioned one post, “Mera beta (red heart emoji)” and humorously wrote in another, “Don’t ask me if I SKii take my sons’ pictures, someone needs to.”
On Christmas, Kareena and her husband, Saif Ali Khan, surprised their little ones with special gifts that lit up their faces with joy. Kareena shared glimpses of their Christmas celebrations on Instagram, where the family was seen unwrapping gifts together. One memorable moment was captured when Taimur had an excited reaction as he received a guitar from his father. Another sweet snap showed Saif and Kareena sitting by the Christmas tree in cozy pajamas, gazing at each other with affection. Kareena captioned the photo, “Sorry was too busy enjoying my day. Love and happiness. People Keep searching for Magic.”
Earlier in September, during an interview, Kareena shared a funny story about her children. When asked if her son Taimur knew about the film festival named after her, Kareena explained that while Taimur was still too young to fully grasp such concepts, he had noticed the attention he gets from the paparazzi. She recalled, “He keeps saying, ‘Why are they chasing? Am I famous?’ I told him, ‘No, you’re not famous, I am famous. You’re nobody, you haven’t done anything.’ He replied, ‘Maybe one day I will do it.’ Right now, in his mind, it’s all about football, not films. I hope he’ll watch my movies one day when I can pull him away from football.”
Kareena married Saif Ali Khan in 2016. Though they had worked together in films like LOC Kargil (2003) and Omkara (2006), it was on the set of Tashan (2008) that they fell in love with each other.