Delhi Chief Minister Atishi has accused the BJP of hypocrisy, claiming that the party, while presenting itself as a protector of Hinduism, has ordered the demolition of several temples in the national capital. Addressing a press conference on Wednesday, she alleged that BJP-appointed officials and the Lieutenant Governor (LG) are behind these orders.
Atishi stated:
“The dual face of BJP is revealed through such orders. On one hand, they pretend to protect Hinduism, while on the other, they secretly instruct their appointed officers and LG to demolish temples.”
Temples Targeted for Demolition
According to Atishi, during a meeting of the Religious Committee on November 22, it was decided to demolish temples in several locations, including:
- West Patel Nagar
- Dilshad Garden
- Seemapuri
- Gokalpuri
- New Usmanpur
- Sultanpuri
She also mentioned a Buddhist temple in Sundar Nagari as being among the targeted sites.
“A meeting of the Religious Committee was held on 22 November. Yesterday LG’s office told the media that there is no order to demolish temples. But this is a lie. In the meeting held on 22 November, it was decided to demolish many temples… All this is in the minutes of the meeting,” she asserted.
Role of the Religious Committee and LG’s Office
Atishi explained that the Religious Committee, previously under the Home Minister of the Delhi government, is now directly controlled by the LG.
“Last year, Delhi LG ordered that the demolition of any religious place is a law and order issue and hence comes under Delhi LG. The CM or Home Minister has no authority over it. Now, the Religious Committee, chaired by the Principal Secretary of the Home Department, sends its suggestions directly to the LG for approval.”
She further alleged that the LG has approved the demolitions, and district magistrates (DMs) and sub-divisional magistrates (SDMs) are preparing to carry out the orders.
Atishi’s remarks highlight an ongoing power tussle between the Delhi government and the LG’s office, particularly concerning decisions impacting religious structures and public sentiment.