The construction of a new police post near Jama Masjid in Sambhal continues, despite objections raised by some individuals. District Magistrate (DM) Rajender Pensiya confirmed that the administration received documents voicing concerns, but no substantial validity was found in them during review.
“The Satyavrat Police Chowki is under construction. We have received some documents, but they are not registered. Secondly, no one has presented themselves in front of us. We examined the documents and did not find any rationality in them. If someone comes to us, we will take the required legal action,” DM Pensiya stated while addressing the media.
Purpose of the Construction
The police post is being established to enhance security and improve surveillance following recent incidents of unrest in the area.
Progress Update
Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Sambhal, Shrish Chandra, provided updates on the construction progress, stating that the work is advancing rapidly.
“The construction of the post is currently in progress. It will be established as soon as possible so that the force staying here can stay comfortably,” ASP Chandra said.
The administration has stated its openness to addressing further concerns, ensuring that legal and procedural requirements are met during the construction process.