Ahead of the upcoming municipal elections in Uttarakhand, Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami has advocated for a “triple-engine” government to expedite development in the state. Speaking on January 16, Dhami emphasized the importance of securing full control, including the Mayor’s position, to drive accelerated growth in Uttarakhand.
“I am a worker of the party. All parties are going to elections. The entire board, including the Mayor, should be ours and there should be a triple-engine government… So, that development takes place at thrice the speed. There is no doubt about it,” Dhami stated, highlighting the need for a unified BJP leadership.
Dhami also took the opportunity to criticize the Congress party, claiming that they were aware of their inevitable defeat. “People of the Congress party can see their defeat. So, they have started saying things for face-saving. They are not receiving any support anywhere,” he added, underscoring the growing support for his party.
The Chief Minister further emphasized that the people of Uttarakhand are ready for change and favor a “triple-engine government” to ensure swift progress in the state.
Earlier in the week, on January 13, Dhami released the BJP’s ‘Sankalp Patra’ (manifesto) at the party’s state headquarters in Dehradun for the upcoming municipal elections. The elections, scheduled for January 23, will cover 11 Municipal Corporations, 43 Municipal Councils, and 46 Nagar Panchayats across Uttarakhand. The counting of votes will take place on January 25.
“The Sankalp Patra is a proof of our leadership and our dedication, which reflects every step taken towards the overall development and prosperity of the people,” Dhami said at the event. “The important and far-reaching topics included in this Sankalp Patra will prove to be a milestone in improving the standard of living of every citizen of the state and the country under the able and visionary leadership of the respected Prime Minister Narendra Modi,” he added.
The Uttarakhand State Election Commission had officially announced the dates for the Municipal Local Body General Elections for 2024-25, setting the stage for an important electoral exercise that could shape the state’s future leadership.