Delhi Chief Minister Atishi on Sunday inaugurated a state-of-the-art 10-meter shooting range at a government school in Kalkaji, highlighting a significant milestone in the transformation of Delhi’s education and sports infrastructure.
The shooting range, equipped with 15 lanes, electronic target systems, and world-class air pistols, represents a leap forward in providing students with access to Olympic-level training facilities.
A New Era for Delhi’s Schools
Addressing the inauguration, CM Atishi contrasted the advanced facility with the dilapidated conditions of government schools in the past, often referred to as “tent schools.”
“From broken walls and leaking roofs to an Olympic-style shooting range, this is the story of Delhi’s education revolution,” she remarked.
The Kalkaji school now joins a growing list of government schools in Delhi equipped with world-class sports infrastructure, including 25 swimming pools, 7 football grounds, and 3 hockey turfs built in recent years.
Aiming for Olympic Glory
Expressing her aspirations for the students, CM Atishi said, “I firmly believe that children from areas like Kalkaji and Govindpuri, who train in these facilities, will win Olympic medals in the coming years.”
The facility houses a range of specialized shooting equipment, including:
- Air Pistols: 8 Morini CM-162E 0.177 caliber models
- Air Rifles: Models such as Walther LG400, Feinwerkbau 800 Evolution Top, and Hammerli AR20 Pro
- Supporting Equipment: Air cylinders, a Bauer Junior II compressor, and RWS R10 Match air pellets
Cost of Excellence
The statement by the Chief Minister’s Office (CMO) outlined the costs of equipment and training:
- Air pistols and rifles: ₹50,000 to ₹3,00,000+
- Ammunition: ₹500 to ₹2,000 per tin of pellets
- Coaching: ₹2,000 to ₹25,000 per month in professional academies
- Range fees: ₹100 to ₹1,000 per session
Education and Sports Integration
The inauguration underscores the Delhi government’s commitment to integrating education and sports. “Our schools are not just places of learning but hubs of excellence,” said CM Atishi, adding that initiatives like this aim to nurture talent and provide students with the resources to compete on global platforms.
The Olympic-style shooting range at Kalkaji No. 3 School is a testament to the transformation of Delhi’s government schools. By prioritizing infrastructure and providing world-class sports facilities, Delhi is paving the way for its students to excel both academically and athletically.