Tensions flared in Patna on Monday as supporters of Jan Suraaj chief Prashant Kishor clashed with police near Gandhi Maidan following Kishor’s detention during his indefinite hunger strike. The protest centered on allegations of a Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) exam paper leak, with Kishor calling for action and supporting student demands for the exam’s cancellation.
Supporters Condemn Kishor’s Detention
Kishor’s detention provoked sharp criticism from his supporters, who accused the Bihar government of attempting to suppress the movement.
- “Prashant Kishor was fighting for the people of Bihar, for the students. The government is afraid of this unity,” said a supporter.
- Another highlighted that Kishor’s protest was peaceful: “He only engaged in Satyagraha. The government is scared because of him.”
- Supporters alleged police manhandled Kishor during the detention, with one adding, “The spectacles of Prashant Kishor were thrown… I was injured when trying to retrieve them.”
Police Actions and Protests
Police cleared Gandhi Maidan, the site of Kishor’s protest, and tightened security around the area with vehicle checks. Kishor was transported in an ambulance after his detention, but his supporters claimed they were not informed of his location.
Kishor’s hunger strike, which began on January 2, aimed to amplify students’ calls for justice. His party, Jan Suraaj, plans to file a petition in the High Court on January 7 to address alleged irregularities in the BPSC exam.
Calls for Leadership from Opposition
Kishor urged Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) leader and Leader of Opposition (LoP) Tejashwi Yadav to take charge of the student protests, emphasizing unity over politics.
- “He (Tejashwi Yadav) is a tall leader and LoP. He should have led the protests. Students and their issues should be the focus; politics can happen later,” Kishor stated.
Background on the Protests
The controversy stems from allegations of a leaked question paper in the BPSC Integrated Combined (Preliminary) Competitive Examination (CCE) 2024, held on December 13, 2024. Students have demanded the cancellation of the exam and a thorough investigation into the matter.
Despite the cold weather, Kishor’s hunger strike attracted widespread public support, with individuals from various backgrounds gathering at Gandhi Maidan to demand accountability.
The situation remains volatile as supporters continue to demand Kishor’s release and clarity on his detention location. Meanwhile, the Bihar government faces mounting pressure to address both the students’ grievances and the broader unrest sparked by the incident.