Tamil Nadu BJP President K. Annamalai has strongly criticized Chief Minister M.K. Stalin and the ruling Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) government regarding the Anna University sexual assault case. Annamalai alleged that the DMK allows individuals with criminal backgrounds and sexual offenders to operate freely while suppressing BJP leaders advocating for justice.
Allegations Against DMK
In a post on social media platform X, Annamalai stated:
“Under this DMK Govt in TN, history sheeters & sexual offenders roam freely under the disguise of being a DMK Functionary, but BJP Tamil Nadu functionaries are being constantly harassed for being the voice of the people.”
Annamalai accused the DMK government of curbing freedom of expression and alleged that BJP Mahila Morcha functionaries were detained or placed under house arrest across various districts on Friday. This, he claimed, was an attempt to prevent them from participating in a rally in Madurai demanding justice for a student who was sexually assaulted at Anna University.
BJP Women’s Wing Protest
The BJP’s women’s wing staged a “Justice Rally” from Madurai to Chennai, calling for justice for the victim of the assault, which reportedly occurred on the Anna University campus on December 23. The rally participants were detained by the police, further fueling Annamalai’s criticism of the DMK government.
Annamalai stated:
“Why is the DMK government so afraid of being exposed for protecting criminals that it resorts to silencing those who seek justice? TN CM MK Stalin should be ashamed for curbing freedom of expression & his autocratic behaviour.”
Details of the Case
The incident involved the alleged sexual assault of a second-year Anna University student on December 23. Chennai Police have arrested one suspect in connection with the case.
Political Tensions Escalate
The BJP’s accusations have intensified the political rivalry between the DMK and the BJP in Tamil Nadu, with Annamalai portraying the ruling party as protecting criminals while silencing voices of dissent. Meanwhile, the DMK has yet to respond to the allegations.
The incident and its handling are likely to remain a significant point of contention in Tamil Nadu’s political discourse, highlighting concerns about safety and justice for women in the state.