BJP Lok Sabha MP Anil Baluni visited Auli, a prominent hill station and ski resort in his constituency, to explore its potential as a global skiing destination. During his visit, Baluni met with skiing players, trainers, and youth involved in the skiing business.
Baluni shared the government’s plans to enhance Auli’s infrastructure, including the introduction of night skiing with world-class facilities to attract tourists from around the globe. He expressed his excitement about Auli’s potential, noting the region’s growing popularity among tourists and professional skiers.
In a post shared on X, Baluni posted photographs of himself skiing and stated, “Recently, during my visit to the Lok Sabha constituency, I got the opportunity to visit Auli. I understood Auli, which has immense possibilities for skiing, met skiing players, trainers, and youths associated with this business.“
He added, “Their suggestions raise hope. I also tried this exciting sport of skiing. The suggestions of these youths and the possibilities scattered in Auli inspired me that it can be made a world-class destination. Thousands of ski lovers travel from India to Europe and other countries every year. By creating that option in India itself, we will create a great destination for Indian ski lovers and tourists.“
Baluni also discussed Auli’s ski slopes, which are already popular with both tourists and professionals. He emphasized, “Auli’s ski slopes equipped with world-class facilities will attract tourists from all over the world. We aim to have world-class competitions in Auli for skiing, skiing lovers should get training here. Tourists should enjoy these beautiful sports and views.“
Further expanding on his vision, Baluni revealed plans to develop night skiing in Auli, stating, “Our concept is to go a step further and develop a structure for night skiing in Auli so that Auli can be developed as a big adventure tourism destination.“
In addition to Baluni’s efforts, last year, the Uttarakhand Cabinet approved the formation of the ‘Auli Development Authority’ to promote tourism and improve sports infrastructure in the region.