Samajwadi Party (SP) Chief Akhilesh Yadav took a swipe at the ongoing excavation work in Uttar Pradesh, sarcastically suggesting that a Shivling might also be found at the residence of the state’s Chief Minister. This comment was made amidst the backdrop of the ongoing political discourse around discoveries related to religious symbols and artifacts.
Key Remarks by Akhilesh Yadav
- Comment on Excavation Work:
Yadav sarcastically said, “Since the excavation work is underway, I believe that there is a Shivling at the Chief Minister’s residence too… we have faith that the Shivling is there.” His comment implied that such discoveries are often exaggerated for political gain. - Further Mockery:
He continued in the same vein, suggesting, “We should all prepare for its excavation… The media should go first, and we will join after that,” highlighting his disapproval of the political hype surrounding these findings. - Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs):
On the issue of EVMs, Yadav brought up a reference to Germany, where ballot voting was reinstated after the country’s Supreme Court debated the issue. “EVMs are not accepted in countries like Germany. After a long debate in their Supreme Court, EVMs were removed, and voting is now done using ballot papers,” he noted, implying his concerns over the integrity of the electoral process in India. - Concerns Over Kumbh Mela Arrangements:
With the Kumbh Mela around the corner, Yadav expressed his concerns about the preparations. While acknowledging the religious importance of the event, he pointed out that “some work is pending,” asking how the government plans to complete all necessary arrangements in just 13 days. He also offered assistance, stating, “Our party members are ready to assist,” if required by the government.
Akhilesh Yadav’s remarks reflect his ongoing criticism of the ruling government in Uttar Pradesh on multiple fronts, from religious symbolism to election integrity and event management. His comments about the Shivling discovery and EVMs aim to provoke reflection on political practices, while his concerns about the Kumbh Mela highlight logistical challenges that the state government faces in organizing large-scale religious events.