Telugu cinema star Allu Arjun was arrested on Friday in connection with the December 4 stampede at Sandhya Theatre during the premiere of his much-anticipated film, Pushpa 2: The Rule. The incident led to the tragic death of a 35-year-old woman, Revathi, and injuries to her son.
The actor has since been taken for medical tests and has sought an urgent hearing in the High Court to quash the FIR registered against him. His arrest follows the earlier detention of three individuals linked to the theatre’s crowd management.
Police Statement and Arrest
Confirming the arrest, Assistant Commissioner of Police L. Ramesh Kumar stated:
“Yes, he (Actor Allu Arjun) has been arrested.”
Allu Arjun was questioned at the Chikkadpally police station, where his father, Allu Aravind, brother Allu Sirish, and father-in-law Kancharla Chandrasekhar Reddy were also present.
Political Reactions
The arrest has sparked intense controversy, drawing criticism from political figures. K. T. Rama Rao (KTR), working president of the Bharatiya Rashtra Samithi (BRS), condemned the move, calling it disproportionate:
“Arrest of National Award-winning star Allu Arjun is the pinnacle of insecurity of the rulers! Treating @alluarjun Garu as a common criminal is uncalled for, especially for something he isn’t directly responsible for. There is always space for respect & dignified conduct.”
KTR also questioned the broader accountability of political leaders in other tragedies, referencing Revanth Reddy, a Congress politician, in his critique.
The Incident and Aftermath
The stampede occurred as fans rushed to catch a glimpse of Allu Arjun during the premiere event. Police efforts to control the crowd, including a mild lathi charge, were insufficient to prevent the chaos.
The incident resulted in Revathi’s death, while her son Shreethej was hospitalized with injuries.
In response, Allu Arjun expressed his devastation:
“The incident that took place in the Sandhya theatre is very unfortunate. It took me hours to process it psychologically. We all blanked out when we heard the news.”
Support for Victims’ Families
Allu Arjun pledged ₹25 lakh to Revathi’s family and assured that his team would cover the medical expenses of her injured son. At the film’s success meet on December 7, the actor reiterated his commitment to supporting the grieving family.
Director Sukumar, who helmed Pushpa 2, also expressed his sorrow, apologizing to the family:
“No success is meaningful when lives are lost. My heart is broken due to this tragedy.”
Theatre Management’s Role
The police have charged the owners and staff of Sandhya Theatre for their alleged negligence in managing the crowd. Those arrested include:
- M. Sandeep, co-owner of Sandhya Theatre.
- M. Nagaraju, senior manager.
- Gandhakam Vijay Chander, in charge of the lower balcony.
The Chikkadpally police cited unsafe crowd management practices as contributing factors to the tragedy.
What’s Next?
With Allu Arjun seeking intervention from the High Court, the case has become a flashpoint in public discourse. While the investigation continues, the incident underscores the need for better crowd management and accountability at large-scale events.