Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], January 26: On the occasion of India’s 76th Republic Day, actor Suniel Shetty shared his heartfelt wishes with the nation. Taking to Instagram, Suniel posted a picture of himself holding the National Flag and wrote, “Our Constitution: The bond that unites us, the force that makes us unstoppable. Wishing everyone a proud and glorious Republic Day.”
Prime Minister Narendra Modi also extended his greetings to the nation on this special day, stating, “Happy Republic Day. Today, we celebrate 75 glorious years of being a republic. We bow to all the great women and men who made our Constitution and ensured that our journey is rooted in democracy, dignity, and unity. May this occasion strengthen our efforts toward preserving the ideals of our Constitution and working towards a stronger and prosperous India,” he posted on X.
Republic Day in India is a national observance that marks the adoption of the Indian Constitution on January 26, 1950. This year’s celebrations at Kartavya Path in the national capital showcased India’s unique blend of cultural diversity, unity, equality, development, and military strength.
In line with the government’s objective to increase public participation, about 10,000 special guests were invited to witness the parade. These guests, representing various sectors, are the architects of ‘Swarnim Bharat,’ including top performers in different fields and those who have made the best use of government schemes.