Actor Richard Jenkins has been added to the cast of HBO’s new series DTF St. Louis. Joining stars Jason Bateman and David Harbour, the show is created by Steve Conrad, who serves as writer, director, showrunner, and executive producer.
DTF St. Louis is centered on a love triangle between three adults grappling with middle-age malaise, which ultimately leads to a death. Jenkins plays a police detective tasked with investigating the mysterious circumstances surrounding the death.
Conrad will executive produce alongside Harbour, Todd Black, Jason Blumenthal, and Steve Tisch for Escape Artists, as well as Bateman, Molly Allen, Bruce Terris, and Michael Costigan for Aggregate Films. Kristina Wenson is also executive producing for Bravo Axolotl, with James Lasdun and MGM Television on board.
Jenkins, a two-time Oscar nominee, was recently seen in Netflix’s Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story, which earned him an Emmy nomination for his outstanding performance. His next project is Criminal, a drama series for Prime Video.