Under the leadership of Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, Mahakumbh 2025 is set to offer visitors a series of new and exciting experiences. Among the highlights of the 45-day grand event is the introduction of a helicopter ride, priced at just Rs 1,296 per person. This price has been significantly reduced from the previous fare of Rs 3,000, making it more accessible for tourists and devotees.
Helicopter Ride for a Unique Aerial View
The seven to eight-minute helicopter ride, set to begin today with a digital launch, will offer an unparalleled aerial view of the grand Mahakumbh area, soaring above Prayagraj’s majestic landscape. The ride can be booked online through the official website of Uttar Pradesh Tourism, www.upstdc.co.in. Pawan Hans, an undertaking of the Government of India, will facilitate the helicopter services. Depending on weather conditions and demand, helicopters will operate continuously to ensure a memorable experience for visitors.
Adventure and Water Sports
In addition to the helicopter rides, the Uttar Pradesh Tourism and Culture Department has made preparations for visitors interested in water sports and adventure activities. Designated locations within the Mahakumbh Mela area have been set up for these thrilling experiences. The event will offer a variety of activities from January 24 to 26, including a drone show, water laser shows, and other exciting events.
Cultural and Musical Performances
Renowned artists from across the country will perform vibrant shows on various stages in Prayagraj. A major highlight is the Ganga Pandal, which will feature performances by Bollywood singer Shankar Mahadevan on January 16 and Mohit Chauhan on February 24, 2025. Between January 16 and February 24, the Mahakumbh will host a series of star-studded musical performances, with renowned artists from various genres.
Key Dates for the Shahi Snan (Main Bathing Rituals)
The main bathing rituals (Shahi Snan) of the Mahakumbh will take place on the following dates:
- January 14 (Makar Sankranti)
- January 29 (Mauni Amavasya)
- February 3 (Basant Panchami)